Kuu loomine 15.mail kl 14:48

24 tunni jooksul teispäeval, kui Kuu oma hapra, kuid läbiva hingusega toetab uute plaanide eostamist, toimub Kuuloometeenistus.
24 tunni jooksul teispäeval, kui Kuu oma hapra, kuid läbivalt kandva hingusega toetab uute plaanide eostamist, toimub Kuuloometeenistus.
Kuuloometeenistuse ajal eemaldatakse osalejate energiaväljast piirangud, mis takistavad suurimate eales suveplaanide teostumist.  
Kuigi Kuu liigub eelolevate kuude jooksul toetavalt Jäära tahtkujus, tõstavad teised võimsad planeedid, sh Chiron, ülesse senilahendamata takistusi kõikidel tasanditel. Kuuloometeenistuse ajal eemalduvad need turvalisel viisil, tõstest osalejate eluvibratsiooni ja -teostust.

Sul on võimalik teha isiklik raviplaan:
1. variant: tasuta erakohtumine peale 12 teenistuse läbimist (Sinu panus 120)
2. variant: osalemine ühe kuu teenistustes (4 teenistust, panus 42)
3. variant: osalemine ühes teenistuses sobval ajal (panus 12)
4. variant: erakohtumine panusega 150
5. variant: süvatervendav rännak 300 väekohta, eelnev ettevalmistus u 6 kuud
6. variant: süvatervendav raviseanss 30*
7. variant: indivisuaalne kaugseanss 75
8. variant: eelpoolnimetatute kombinatsioonid.

* Järgmised süvatervendavad raviseansid on 21. mail, 1. ja 8.juunil kl 22-23. Süvatervendav raviseanss on intensiivne kaugraviseanss. Selle toime mõjutab haigete rakude tuuma nii, et käivitub organite tervenemine. Kaugraviseanss eemaldab ka vähituumori – vähi südame - ning peatab metastaaside aengu.
Kaugraviseanssi on mõeldud kõigile, kes soovivad terveks ravida haigeid organeid ja kroonilisi seisundeid.
Kaugraviseanss teostub vastavalt vajadustele mõnel õhtul nädalas kl 22-23.
Kaugraviseansi ettevalmistamine toimub kokkulepitud kellaajal individuaalselt enne raviseanssi.
Kaugraviseansiks ettevalmistamise käigus häälestatakse ka 1-2 klaasi vett, mis toetab raviseansi läbiviimist. Need on vaja juua üks klaas enne ja vajadusel teine peale seanssi.
Kaugraviseansi ajal on vaja olla rahulikult pikali.
Raviseansi eel on vaja teostada panus 30 Südamerahu kontole või muul moel, nt Omniva kaudu.
Küsimused saab esitada meil teel magissameedia@gmail.com või kodulehel siit: http://magissa.ee/registreerumine.

Kasvav Kuu 22. mail kl 06:49


  • Magissa  •  15. mai 2018
    Kuuloometeenistus algas teispäeval kl 16.

    Sellele eelnevatel tundidel toimus intensiivne planetaarne joondumine - Uraan liikus Sõnni majja, kus ta liigub eeloleva 8 aasta jooksul.

    See on ammuoodatud transiit, mis viib kogu planeedi ja selle elanike vibratsooni hoopis uuele tasandile.

    Loe lähemalt:

    15. mail 2018 algab kauaoodatud Uraani transiit Sõnni tähtkujus. See on päev, mil algab uus kuldaeg. Selle päevaga algab piirava vaesuse katku häving. Uraan on märkamatult juhtinud planeet Maa astraalse infrastruktuuri kujunemist seliselt, et jõuame uue reaalsuseni, kõrgemate tasanditeni selle transiidi ajal. Toimub massiline vaese elanikkonna kihtide muutmine avalduvate talentide ja geeniuste abil.

    Suur astronoom Sir William Herschel avastas Uraani 13.märtsil 1781. Ilma tema avastuseta ei teaks me Uraani tegelikku palet. Geenius Nikola Tesla on sündinud hetkel, kui Uraan oli Sõnnis. See mõjutas energeetiliselt tema andeid, oli tema edu allikaks. Sarnased geeniused oma avastustega mõjutavad maailma eeloleva 8 aasta jooksul, Uraani Sõnni transiidi ajal. Ees ootavad kuldsed linnad.

    Sõnn mõjutab arhitektuuri. Aastani 2026, ajal mil Uraan liigub Sõnnis avalduvad jõuliselt uued arhitektid ja ehitajad, uued ehitused ja linnad. Sel ajal sündivad lapsed on uuendajad, ehitaja geeniga.

    Sõnn on põllumajanduse valitseja. Uraan revolutsiooniline planeet. Toiduainetööstus muutub ja toidu kvaliteet tõuseb taevani, inimkehad saavad energeetiliselt toidetud ja tõuseb eluvibratsioon.

    See on aeg Gaia muutusteks. Tema sügavas põues on peidus seni avaldumata ja mõistmata energiavormid ja teadvus. Uraani Sõnni Transiidi ajal toimuvad üllatuslikud geoloogilised muutused. Tema energia avardub, tulevad kasutusele uued energiamudelid. Sellega kaasneb uus viljakus, tervenemine, küllus, inimlikkus ja heaoluteadvus. Meie planeedi süda tuksub uues rütmis, kui Uraan, Gaia abikaasa, naaseb Looduse majja.

    Uraani transiidi ajal Sõnnis on oodata ka kulla ja hõbedaga kaetud digiraha loomist uute geeniuste poolt.

    Taurus reguleerib valuutasid ja Sõnn loob ebastabiilsust, revolutsiooni, ja vabastamist. See transiidi aeg on ohtlik. Manipulatsioonid, valeraha, valusad õppetunnid. Finantssüsteemid on põhjapanevas muutuses. Hoia oma vara tegelike väärtustena ja väldi paberraha kuhjamist. Valuuta väärtuste muutus toimub rahvusi läbivalt.

    Rahvusvaheline kullaväärtuse standart muutub 2024 aasta aprillis, mil teostub ainulaadse Jupiteri ja Uraani konjuktsioon Sõnnis. See toimub Trumpi teise suurejoonelise valitsusaja lõpus. Eelmine konjuktsioon oli 1941 mais, mil Saksa ülemvõimu löödi ühiselt mõrad. Sellise haruldase konjuktsiooni ajal eostuvad imed.

    Kui Uraani transiit Sõnnis on jõudnud 2024 aastani, kujundavad riikide juhtfiguurid majandussüsteemi, mis toimib tõhusalt globaalselt. See toimib inimeste ühise ja kontsentreeritud jõu põhiselt. Selleks ajaks, kui järgmine Jupiteri ja Uraani konjuktsioon Sõnnis toimub 2107 aprillis.

    tõlge lisandumas

    Nano Industries

    The glory days of nanotechnology are about to begin. This is a Uranian field of science that will quantum leap through the steady advance of the astrological Uranus. The discoveries, developments, and industrial applications of new nano science will be so great that they will trigger a new industrial revolution. Of the many diverse expressions of nanotechnology I predict that they will be especially beneficial to the fields of medicine, aviation, robotics, computing, holography, and genetics. New 'super materials' will allow us to build, reinforce, design, and travel as never before. Uranus, the ancient deity, will be sowing the seeds of radical new industry as part of God's perfect plan of poverty, pain, and toil eradication.

    Nuclear Development

    Do you think it a mere coincidence that Uranium was named after Uranus? In astrology it is Uranus that governs nuclear power plants so the naming of Uranium was divine. Civilian nuclear development is one of the primary transit themes to Uranus in Taurus. Expect to see major pushes for safe, modern, and next-generation nuclear plants to be built around the world because the new Earth economy requires an updated energy infrastructure. If our economies are limited by energy costs then we cannot go infinite. Where governments are unstable nuclear development will be on hold but when regimes change good things can and will happen. But Uranus has greater things in store for us than nuclear energy...

    Astronomical Discovery

    Our understanding of the universe will blossom during the time of Uranus in Taurus when dramatic new astronomical discoveries will be made through the use of advanced scientific equipment and international collaboration. Breathtaking new signals intelligence will prove that we are not alone here in the Milky Way. Our vision of the heavens will expand from fishbowl to ocean while new extraterrestrial missions and development projects take form. The resources of space will surprise us to the extent that new elements are received and discovered. Super alloys come to mind and a new Uranus mission is certainly in order. Uranus, whose axial tilt holds a divine number (97.77), definitely deserves a closer look.

    Economic Justice

    Uranus in Taurus will bring economic justice to all that all may build their heart's desires. We have entered a time when the universe will support our material development through surprise gifts, connections, and orchestrations of wealth in all of its wonderful forms. Our individual developmental goals will be supported unexpectedly by the rich, generous, and serendipitous influence of Uranus in Taurus. So if you feel stretched, stressed, or exhausted in the material sense know with certainty that your goals and dreams are precious to God and that the time has finally come for you to be materially enabled and enriched. Generosity towards the needs of others will open you to the genius of Uranus.

    Prosperity Blueprints

    Uranus in Taurus holds the master blueprints to all future projects of prosperity. Through the astrological synchronicities to Uranus, like, for example, Mercury or Sun trine Uranus, we will receive divine inspiration relating to creativity, productivity, and implementation that if adhered to will result in great manifestations of material prosperity. But on many occasions the prosperity blueprints will come for the sake of others, their quality of life, and the needs of their futures. It is time for us all to build for the future with value systems that are spiritualized to the max. The spiritual builders will receive the greatest prosperity blueprints because they can be trusted to selflessly serve the highest good for all people.

    Spiritual Value Systems

    We have just approached a powerful metaphysical fork in the road with Uranus at the center. On the left hand path we have those who care nothing for spiritual values. They live in a state of darkness, corruption, disconnection, possession, and debased materialism. To these poor souls the deity Uranus can only send instability, chaos, sudden poverty, and isolation. But to those virtuous souls who have taken the right hand path, these will receive gradual enrichment on the astral and material planes with massive leaps forward from time to time. Uranus shifts paradigms and now our spiritual values will directly and profoundly determine our material experiences and status. Live the virtues and you shall be enriched.

    Metaphysical Wealth

    Nature is full of secrets and magic. There are energies, resources, methods, hidden values, and mystical treasures that will be revealed to the worthy select and elect that will grant divine wealth advantages into their lives. Let's just say that the universe will be teaching us secrets about wealth flow and accumulation from a supremely spiritual dimension. Tests will be issued along the learning path to confirm that heart and values are true to the divine purpose for all beings. Keep your energy high and bright if you wish to ascend in the material during Uranus in Taurus. We will all gain new senses for energy flow, spiritual economics, and the metaphysical workings of wealth. The hearts of gold will gain all.

    Metaphysical Community

    There is a great reckoning coming to the metaphysical community which plays host to the astrologers, psychics, channelers, mediums, clairvoyants, metaphysicians, alchemists, spiritualists, magicians, and tarot card readers of the world. So many in these ranks operate outside of truth, integrity, and law for the sake of financial gain, ego gratification, and vain attempts at fame. Let me predict to you what will happen to these people during the Uranus transit of Taurus: they will experience ongoing material misfortune and instability until they become legit or until they hang it up. Many of you know these types, watch and see what befalls them. If one is true, pure, and lawful in the metaphysical Uranus becomes an ally.

    Talent Journeys

    God will be taking us all on exhilarating talent journeys during this once-in-a-lifetime Uranus in Taurus transit. Through the periodic Uranian upgrades known talents will become much more powerful and valuable. The Uranus influence will also help us to discover talents that we are not fully aware of. And lastly, the golden lightning of Uranus in Taurus will instill priceless and totally unforeseen new talents through consciousness and light enhancements. We are going to become more valuable on the inner plane so that our external reality enriches in correspondence. As within, so without. The golden light is coming within us that our slices of reality brighten and beautify in kind. Are you ready?

    Quality of Life

    In astrology it is Taurus that governs quality of life, by house and by the secret degrees of Taurus which are known to master astrologers. Here is the great news to know: Uranus will be surprising us to unbelievable extents with great and heavenly quality of life increases on the individual, domestic, and social levels into 2026. There is a science to the future timing of these quality of life increases and revolutions. The alignments to Uranus are the key but especially the solar alignments, like, for example, the Virgo Sun's trine to Uranus in Taurus or the Aquarius Sun's square to Uranus in Taurus. Follow the Sun/Uranus alignments to consciously observe the astrological advancement of our new quality of life revolution.

    Sustainable Development

    Uranus in Taurus will prove to be a dream transit for all causes related to environmental sustainability. All who are conscious of astrology and to the needs of Mother Nature must now unite to advance the cause of sustainable development in every way possible. Our golden age must begin with environmental healing and the restoration of balance between humanity and the planet. The Uranus in Taurus energy will express through new nature-preserving technologies, resource pooling, nature-focused scientific collaboration, and high-level governmental cooperation. In fact, I predict that the Fukushima nuclear disaster will be healed during the time of Uranus in Taurus. The golden cities will be sustainable.

    Forbidden Technologies

    Humanity will be astonished and perhaps enraged when the forbidden technologies become unlocked. This is an aspect of the Uranus in Taurus transit that gives me chills as I type because the shockwaves of revelation will be so powerful. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic I will simply allude to the concepts of free energy devices, medical cures, and anti-gravity systems to give you an idea of what is to come. But there are far more exotic and otherworldly technologies that will have their day in the Sun. Taurus signs the 8th house of the USA, the house of secrets and classification levels. With this in mind consider that in astrology the planet Uranus rules extraterrestrial technologies and civilizations...

    Untapped Resources

    So how will all these economic miracles be happening for the world during the time of Uranus in Taurus? A large part of them will be manifested through the tapping of untapped resources, like, for example, with the international industrialization of hemp and hemp-based products. What about the oil in Venezuela that sits while the population suffers? That will be tapped too although Uranus will be moving our planet into a post-oil timeline. There will be gigantic resource-themed surprises in our future that enable new abundance for all. Uranus is the people's planet so the wealth that it uncovers is meant for us all. In our personal lives Uranus will show us what we have forgotten to tap for a higher quality of life.

    Illuminati Economic Strategy

    I've said it a million times, the illuminati uses astrology day and night. They have a plan for Uranus in Taurus that is focused upon digital currency proliferation and integration for the sake of economic control and social manipulation. But it's more than this: they're going to use digital currencies as an irresistible bait to siphon large amounts of public wealth into their control, especially prior to Pluto's entry into Aquarius which happens on January 20th of 2024. Don't you think it strange that no one really knows who created Bitcoin? To many this mystery doesn't even matter, the lust for fast wealth overwhelms their reason and this is precisely why the trap works. So don't play a fool, their crypto-superbug is coming...

    The New Masons

    One of the great and unspoken tragedies of the Age of Pisces was the widespread corruption of the masonic brotherhoods. The House of Taurus holds sacred value to masonic efforts because it is the energetic source of all wealth and architecture in the mundane and multidimensional senses. The good news is that the Uranus in Taurus influence will be activating, enhancing, and connecting new masons for the new times. When Uranus aspects certain birth planets you could find yourself being initiated into a new path of divine building for the sake of God and humanity. The masons who serve the Devil are going to have a hell of a time with Uranus in Taurus. Earthquakes to their plans.

    Trump 2020

    For those who are not yet familiar, I am one of the few astrologers who correctly predicted the 2016 election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and many would agree that I did it with the greatest skill. I used his 2016 solar return horoscope to successfully interpret his shock victory which was no surprise to me. The horoscope above contains the keys to President Trump's 2020 re-election victory. The presence of Uranus in Taurus in his 10th house is a supreme sign of his victory to come. Uranus will also be flanked by Fortuna who will gift him with great fortunes at 28° Aries. Other world leaders will openly endorse him through Chiron at 9° Aries and his Gemini Sun will shine in the 11th house as it did in 2016.


    What is a starseed exactly? The truth is that we are all starseeds, it's just that some of us have older souls that are wiser, more aware, and more experienced. When a soul is created by God it is dyed and enhanced by the light of a certain star that God deems appropriate for the soul's journey through space and time. The soul inherits the mystical traits of its soul star whose energy feels like home to them. This explains why we gravitate to certain stars, systems, and constellations - our soul knows where home is. The Uranus in Taurus transit will be profoundly beneficial to conscious starseeds who are focused on mission fulfillment. Embrace the Uranus synchros for the breathtaking ascent and enrichment.

    Crystal Consciousness

    It was Nikola Tesla who once said, "In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” Taurus is the 'crystal house' of the zodiac and for the next eight years a new crystal consciousness will be seeded into society and into the crystals themselves. Uranus will give them new life, new value, and new quantum effects. Expect for crystals to permeate our cultures and industries more and more as the years pass. They are anchors of cosmic light, conduits to higher intelligences, bridges through time, and keys to many the secrets of nature. This article is charged with Datolite and Moldavite.

    Wealth Responsibilities

    The planetary consciousness of Uranus has a message for the world: "Use your wealth for the betterment of humanity or be stripped of it." The Uranus in Taurus transit will be hallmarked by sudden and dramatic losses and gains in material and astral wealth. To be on the side of gain we must live harmoniously with astrology because it is divine will for all presented through a mystical cosmic science. Beyond the cosmic harmony we must be generous and altruistic with the wealth that God has granted us. We must lift others up, we must help others build, and we must pay it forward. Whoever does this will have a golden ride through Uranus in Taurus. Be generous with your wealth, your afterlife depends on it.


    The light I hold is quite a threat, I'm bright enough to conquer Set. The transit starts so place your bet, I'm up on gold the kind that's wet. The poorest people will be first, the richest misers will be cursed. It's life and wisdom that I thirst, the wealth is coming watch it burst. The golden years have come at last, Atlantis rising from the past. I love my lions just like Bast, I'm breaking through my pharaoh cast. Build with genius that's the story, learn to work your key of glory. Scriptures full of allegory, fallen souls in purgatory. I'm all in now can you tell? I used law to beat my hell. Gaia cried when Satan fell, but Jesus Christ will ring his bell.

    Of all the things I've gained in stealth, my favorite is the cosmic wealth. The light that they can never take, nor ever ever hope to fake. The war is real now pick your side, the gods say wait there's time to bide. My power flowing through my pen, the crystals put my mind on zen. Apollo shines his light on me, but I stay humble gratefully. Jesus Christ has set me free, his alchemy pure majesty. Ancient tablets full of truth, glean that wisdom like a sleuth. Uranus will gild your brain, your life won't ever be the same. The tilted transit that I love, I know its feel just like a glove. Hermes kept the knowledge cryptic, I'm a hard core Christian mystic.

    Signing Off

    I've poured myself into this work for many, many days to bring you my highest quality insights absolutely free. Since the beginning of my astrological career I have always wanted to help people as much as possible through my celestial guidance. In the near future I intend to create an article that analyzes the house-by-house impact of Uranus in Taurus so that everyone with a horoscope can tune in to the specific, individual effects of this golden transit. Consider this work as my 'chapter one' to the Uranus transit of Taurus.

    As many of you know Amari and I are expecting a new son this July who will be born beneath the influence of Uranus in Taurus. To put it simply we're going to be very busy with him in the near future. To all who have sent grace our way for Lex Romeo, thank you for your love and generosity. We will always remember it and we will return the grace with lovely interest in the future. If you have found this article valuable to your life journey contributions are being accepted through the following link without any obligation:


    With love and generosity,

    Astrologer Salvador Russo


    Lühendatud tõlge Magissa


    © Copyright 2018, Starseed Astrology. All rights reserved. Plagiarism welcomes Saturn's curse. This article is the intellectual property of Astrologer Salvador Russo. Translations are welcomed, contact me directly for authorization.

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  • Magissa  •  16. mai 2018
    Kuuloometeenistus kestis 10 tundi ja lõppes kolmapäeva varahommikul kl 2.

    Nende tundide jooksul toimus teenistuses osalejate rakutasandi pingete maandamine. Need pinged avaldusid vahetult teenistuse eelsete tundide jooksul. Need pinged olid kujunenud aegade jooksul, terve selle elu jooksul. Pingete allikaks on eelmiste elude jooksul kujunenud baasmustrid kui ka selle elu musta maagia manipulatsioonid (katised, loitsud, manad, needused).
    Kuuloometeenistus avas rakutasandil uued portaalid mitte ainult selle suve plaanide kujundamiseks, vaid ka heaolu loomiseks eeloleva kaheksa aasta jooksul.
    Hea algus on see neile, kes aastate jooksul teadlikult kujundanud oma peentasandeid tervesse vormi, kasutades Kuutempli teenistuse vm autentseid tehnikaid ja võimalusi. Möödunud aegade jooksul kujundatud peentasandite info ankurdub nüüd lõplikult rakutasandile, materiaalsesse maailma ja taevaste vägede toetusel loob uue reaalsuse ka rakkude ümber olevasse keskkonda, st meie igapäevaellu.

    Mai Kuu loomise päeval, vahetult enne teenistuse algust, algas uus aeg, kuldaeg. See algas Uraani transiidiga Sõnni tähtkujus. Uraan on kujundanud märkamatult Maa astraaltasandit kuni selle ajani. Nüüd, Sõnni tähtkuju mõju suunab kõik need plahvatuslikud muutused reaalsusesse.

    Kuulometeenistus valmistas osalejaid ette nii selle suve kui kaheksa eeloleva aasta enneolematuteks muutusteks isikliku ja üldise heaolu maailma.

    Kuuloometeenistusele eelneval ajal võisid osalejad tunda pingeid nii kehas kui meeletasanditel. Võis tekkida tahtmine nutta, või tõusis agressiivsus, tekkisid vihahood ja konfliktid, unetus.
    Nende seisundite allikaks olid esiletõusvad kurnavad baasmustrid ja must maagia, nende hävitav toime rakutasandile ja kogu kehale ning füüsilisele maailmale. Kuuloometeenistuse ajal alates kl 16 teispäeval toimus pinge allikate eemaldamine ja rakutasandi tervendamine. Toimus vabanemine ja saabus sügav uni.
    Viimaste kuude muutused on olnus väga intensiivsed, ja see toob kaasa erilise väsimuse. Tagage endale korralik uni, puhkus, värske õhk, sauna- ja veeprotseduurid. Kuid olge ettevaatlikud, et te üle ei pinguta.

    Eelolevad teenistused jätkavad osalejate piirangute eemaldamist kõikidel tasanditel teel heaolumaailma loomiseks.


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